Toca Nature Printables – Face Masks

Parker Barry

We’re giving you the Toca Nature face masks! Choose a mask, print it out and become an animal. It’s super easy and great fiddly fun! However, you’ll need a few things to get going…


1. You’ll need a printer. And paper for the printer. Just regular paper will work, or if you want a longer lasting mask get a thicker paper. Just make sure you don’t buy too thick as it might not work in your printer.

2. Pick which animal you’d like to be. There are three different ones to choose between:

The fox
The bird
The hare

3. Grab all colored pens you can find – crayons, pens, paint, water color… you name it! Go crazy in your color cupboard – the more the merrier!

4. Paint and draw the mask as you like. Make it sparkle!

5. Find a pair of scissors and cut along the outlines. Attach a string on the side of the mask before putting it on.

6. Take a look in the mirror. You’ve transformed into a real animal!


We’d love to see your masks, share them with #tocanature on Instagram and Twitter!