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Parent's Guide: The Edition

Your ultimate guide for how to answer your kids gazillion questions about Toca Boca Days!

Welcome to the Toca Boca Days Parent’s Survival Guide, consider this your one stop shop for everything related to our upcoming game

Which we hope your kid is excited about!

Managing gaming in a household with kids sure can feel like a full time job, so we want you to feel you can keep your kid informed, involved and excited on everything Toca Boca Days related, whilst maintaining your parental sanity.
First up . . .

. . . yes, it’s true! We’re doing something new and are releasing Toca Boca Days, our NEW 3D game!

We’re doing this because we saw a need for a multiplayer game that allows the player to have social interactions and build meaningful relationships in a safe, age appropriate environment.
If you were looking closely, you might’ve noticed the emphasis above on NEW and MULTIPLAYER above, this is because we’ve NEVER done this before.
We are SO excited to finally be able to bring our players together, but running a live multiplayer game (for the first time!) brings us new challenges as a studio.

So we’ve decided to tackle this head on and as we continue to develop and evolve the game, we're slowly releasing the game to different countries throughout the year. We’ll continue to add more countries over time. This approach helps us to scale up and monitor the game’s services, while introducing new features.

You’re probably asking yourself, does this mean my kid will be asking a hundred about when they can play?

Admittedly, there might be a little bit of that, but you can join in on the excitement too! We’ve set up a kid friendly web page on where kids can stay informed on all the latest news.
We also have a globe feature that they can use to track the countries going live.

Get Toca Boca Days in your

It’s a constantly evolving process, so kids can click their region and check if their country is added to the live roadmap yet.
There might not be any hard dates at first, but we’ll always try to update and explain as much as is possible at any given time.

We also have a feature button in the bottom right corner of all our games

When you see the Toca Boca Days icon (similar to the one above), it means the game is ready in your country! Players can click through and be directed to a page with a banner similar to the one below. Click that and then you can download the game from your device's app store!

So that’s how to get access to the game when it’s live, what do we do while we’re

Co-creation is a strong part of Toca Boca’s history in developing our products, and with Toca Boca Days we don’t want this to change. To help, we’ll be sharing more information on how the game is progressing, as well as a number of polls on where players can directly give their input on assets and locations that we’ll be adding to the game.
We want players to feel that they are directly involved in shaping the world as it develops (and even in the future when it is live)!
So whether it’s on our social channels or there’s going to be plenty to follow over the next few months as we continue to develop Toca Boca Days. We want you and your kids to really feel like the journey has been as much fun as the destination.


Whew, you made it, and that’s all for now!

You might have noticed, we have more survival guides planned for the future, so be sure to check back here next month when we take a closer look into some of the game’s features. We’ll be covering the game itself, and also some of the safety functions that parents might want to be aware of. We’re also super excited to introduce a new character to our community, who will guide everyone through Toca Boca Days. 

So that’s the Sanity Edition done and dusted, but please join us next month as there’s going to be lots to cover!