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to Toca Tea

Chris Lindgren

Play Designer

Toca Tea Party is all about playing together! We really put the concept of multi-touch to a test when turning the screen into a table and then inviting three guests to join the party. It turned out to be one of our most intuitive and open-ended toys.

Domestic role-play is an important part of young children’s everyday life. They imitate adults around them to explore and learn to understand different situations and tasks. The procedure of a tea party is a situation that children love to act out over and over again. And even though spilling is included, Toca Tea Party is the least messy tea party play set you can imagine!

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How to play


This is a game for one to four kids and grown-ups. And it actually works fine using dolls and teddy bears as guests too, as long as you help them eat. It’s best suited for children from three years and up, or whenever your kid is ready to engage in social role-playing. It might also amuse a younger sibling if guided by you or a patient party host.

The table is empty at the start, and a number of decisions have to be made. What cloth should be put on the table, which plates, cups or glasses will my guests like and what kind of cake will I be serving? When the table is set it’s time to invite the guests.

To talk about

When hosting or visiting a Toca Tea Party, your child will practice a number of social skills. Good manners are needed to create a nice atmosphere at the party. Phrases like “Would you like some more tea?” and “What kind of cake would you like?” are essential, as well as “Can I have another carrot cake, please?”. The guests eat and drink by touching plates and glasses with their fingers. When a clumsy guest spills juice on the cloth the napkins come in handy. It feels nice to be able to help.

Turn taking is another skill that’s practiced while playing. “Could you please pass the juice?” was often heard during our user testing sessions. You as a parent can help introduce useful phrases and nice conversation topics to expand the game!

The party ends when all of the cakes are finished. Then it’s time to do the washing up. Everyone can contribute by dragging his or her plate and glass to the sink. Or just tilt the screen to let everything slide in there nice and easy!

Don’t forget to switch host when you start over again!