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to Toca

Erik Wahlgren

Play Designer

Your clothes are always with you. The first impression in life is often how hard they are to put on. Balancing on one foot while lifting the other one up and trying to fit it into the small hole of a trouser leg is a skill that takes time to master.

After attaining the motor skills and becoming friends with clothes, there are many fascinating aspects to discover. Of course they protect you and keep you warm. But clothes can also be fun and beautiful artworks and together with some imagination they let you be whoever you want to be.

The aim of this digital toy is to combine the exciting feeling from a playful dress up party with the freedom of turning shapes, colors and patterns into garments and creating your own outfits. Here you not only choose your clothes – you get to design them yourself. In Toca Tailor your imagination is your wardrobe’s only limit.

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How to play


  • There are four characters to make clothes for. Choose between a boy, a girl, a lynx and a sloth.

  • With the fabric camera everything around you will be a potential print for your outfit. You can also dig into your camera roll and use your existing photos.

  • At the cutting table, you can drag colors and fabric to the clothes and add buttons, prints and pockets. When dragging objects onto the clothes use one finger, put down a second finger to resize and rotate.

  • Reshape the characters’ clothes by tapping on the top, the bottom or the sleeves. Press down and swipe to adjust the length.

  • Complete your outfit with hats, shoes, scarves and glasses from the accessories shelf.

To talk about

What objects around you can be turned into prints for your clothes, using the fabric camera? Go hunting for photos in unexpected places. Why do people dress differently for different occasions? Pretend the characters are going to school, to a rock concert, for a hike in the woods or a game of basketball. How would they dress? What clothes do you like to wear? Try to dress one of the character in clothes that look like the ones you are wearing.


In the Settings panel on your Apple device, there is an icon for Toca Tailor. If you open it, you can toggle snapshots to “off” and no photos will be saved in your camera roll. Character Snapshot refers to photos you take of your character, and Pattern Snapshot is for saving all the photos you capture for fabric prints. There are also options for the “Toca News” and “For Grown-Ups” buttons on the start screen. Toggling these to “off” will remove the buttons.