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to Toca Hair Salon

Henrik Alfredsson

Play Designer

We are super excited to introduce Toca Hair Salon 4! Seeing the creativity from players all around the world was so inspirational for us – they surprised us with looks and styles we’d never imagined ourselves! We can’t wait to see what players create using Toca Hair Salon 4’s new features and tools.

Toca Hair Salon has always been about cutting and styling hair. We’re excited to show off all the new features that make those stations even more engaging and detailed, but we didn’t stop there! We’ve also introduced makeup and face paint, so kids can explore in even more creative and different ways! You may have noticed a new shop where players can personalize their own salons by purchasing new tools (like the facepaint and makeup!), clothes, accessories, characters and much more. We’ll be updating the shop periodically, but it will never interfere with in-app play. If you’re curious about what’s available there, you can check it out separately.

The salon is now open!

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